Wednesday, February 13, 2008

She's going for distance...

Better late than never...

I went for a nice long run on Monday night. Hmmm, actually I remember when 6 mile runs were more frequent and 10 miles+ was "long". Eh, I'll get there sooner or later. I'm sure I'm running faster now then I was before anyway :p The run felt really good, but toward the end I was getting pretty tired! I started getting really anxious to be done around mile 5. Oh well, I was happy with the time and run overall.

Distance (miles): 6
Time (hh:mm:ss):
Pace (min/mile): 7:57
Min Speed (mph): 7.3
Max Speed (mph): 7.8
Weight (lbs): 122
Time of Day: 8:00pm
Where: Treadmill
Weekly Total (last 7 days): 16 miles
Shoes: Mizuno Wave Elixir 2 9.5 (green)

As for yesterday, I had stayed late at work, went grocery shopping and was busy the rest of the night. I needed a day off after the 6 miles anyway.

Today I am not feeling well. A lot of people have been sick at work and I think I have caught something. I have been coughing since I woke up :( I'm pretty sure I won't run, but maybe I will sneak in some spinning? Oh ya I need to make V-day cookies tonight...depends on how long that takes.

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